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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Honey Teriyaki Sauce

Tired of your seasonings and sauces expiring before you can use them up? 

Now you can whip up your own Honey Teriyaki Sauce in minutes with only 3 ingredients!

 To make your Honey Teriyaki Sauce, simply combine 1 cup soysauce, 1 cup Honey Teriyaki Mix, and 3 cups water in a small pot. Simmer on low for 5 minutes, until thick and smooth. Store in the refrigerator.

Perfect for chicken dishes, stir fry, barbeque recipes, rice dishes, and more.

No MSG, and full of flavor!


  1. This looks very promising. Is it gluten-free, as many in our family cannot have gluten?

    1. Yes, this is gluten free, but just be careful when you make the sauce, to add gluten free soy sauce. Enjoy!
